Call 911 or the local emergency number. Check to see if the person's airway is clear and they are breathing. If necessary, begin rescue breathing, CPR, or bleeding control
Keep the person still and calm
Examine the person closely for other injuries
If medical help responds quickly, allow the medical personnel to take further action
If the skin is broken, it should be treated right away to prevent infection. DO NOT breathe on the wound or probe it. Try to cover the wound to avoid further contamination. If any are available, cover up with sterile dressings like gauze. DO NOT try to line up the fracture unless you are medically trained to do so.
Immobilize the broken bone with a splint or sling if needed. You could make a splints out of rolled up newspaper or splints of wood. Immobilize the area both above and below the injured bone.
Apply ice packs and elevate the limb to reduce pain and swelling.